student developer from singapore 🇸🇬, developer of dozens of vaguely amusing, overcomplicated projects, apple certified trainer.
i speak at events, mostly to students, on apple technology, swift, swift student challenge, and various other random things. if you want me to share at an event, drop me an email! me(at)jiachen(dot)app.
i also love hot chocolate.
you can find me on various social media platforms, and bouncing around the office.
i run quite a few different programmes, mostly to do with students and swift. here are a few of them.
here are some of the apps and packages i‘ve worked on, that i remember.
In collaboration with BERNINA Education.
Designed to help make classroom observations more objective and allow teachers to better understand technology use in the classroom.
An over-engineered headache tracker to quickly log headaches using widgets.
Building this definitely did not help with my headaches. It might have even given me one.
I was delivering a talk but the Mac controlling the slides was hidden far away in an AV room where their fancy clickers couldn't reach.
Naturally, I built an app and published it.
SingaporeKit allows you to easily incorporate Government data such as air quality, air temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, UV index, weather forecasts, carpark availability, traffic images, and available taxis.
Just use the @Singapore property wrapper.
The first spatial homework excuse generator. Access over 100* (horribly) AI-generated homework excuses. I honestly have no idea how this got on the App Store, but I won't complain.
*exactly 101news articles, features, and random other places my name or face might have popped up in.
Apple Education •
Apple Newsroom
Hardware Zone
Apple App Store Story
Hardware Zone
Hardware Zone
Tim Cook on X (formerly Twitter)
The Straits Times
i have no idea what im doing, but im pretty sure im doing something right, most of the time. here are some certifications, credentials, and more.
congrats you've reached the end of this page! i had intentions to continue updating it, but evidently i've put it off.